Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hannibal Lechter's Basement (?)
A local unemployed couch potato fancying himself now a writer (nutty blog division) has harped on and on about the supposed "horrors" of Indian Point failing, in cold weather. He has called up the Westchester Emergency hotline, and asked what he should do, if Indian Point shuts down , in winter weather. Amazingly the contact person did NOT tell him to "Bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye" (Like I would have). The person told him to go indoors, and stay sheltered, with a portable radio nearby.
This was a cause of great anger in our potato friend, who thought it horriffic to be inside his own basement with no electricity. Aside from the fact that his basement may be horriffic in some particular way that others' basements are not (Hannibal Lechter lived there, maybe?). But just to be nice, I have some suggestions. I have a nice honda generator that runs on gasoline, makes practically no noise at all, can run a full day on 5 gallons of gas, and makes enough electricity to start up my oil burner, and I bought it specifically to tide me over any sub-freezing blackout. (I've also used it while camping). If he's worried enough to write "Open Letters to Andrew Spano", he just might consider going over to Sam's Club & picking one up.
Although I've always lived in houses with oil burners,in a small bit of education from my Army days, I also know about the ubiquitous kerosene heater, widely used in poorer regions of the US. Trailer residents often use them, and they put out quite a bit of heat. Although they involve the risk of fire, if its just for a day or so in a blackout, and if I was freaked out about freezing, it might ease my paranoia a bit, to have one ready just in case. Home Depot carries 'em.
For homeowners (and our potato-head claims to own a house--- even though I suspect its his wife that bought it)- the comprehensive solution would be one of the great new propane generator units at Home Depot, complete with a throwover switch, and its own power distribution panel. It sits outside in an attractive box like a whole-house air conditioner, and comes on in about one second, as soon as Con Ed's electricity stops. It increases resale value, lowers insurance rates, and averts any concerns about kerosene or gasoline. It also allows you to leave the anti-nuclear protest movement, like 99.78% of everyone else has.
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